Tackle the strong currents, up to 10 km per hour, and messy waves at Bajeta tidal race. It is located 3 km offshore and it works best at a full moon and no wind.
This is the challenge of doing a downwind from Tarifa to Bolonia during a full blown Levante (Easterly) wind 25-35 knots. When you time it with the current the conditions are flowing. Doing it against the current is for the most daring downwind enthusiasts.
This is the most magnificent downwind paddle in Tarifa. The beauty of the strait is real and the challenge just as much. You will have to time it right as the currents flow in different directions making it both challenging and interesting to do.
You have become a Zen Master once you have completed the Bajeta, Levante and Strait of Gibraltar challenges. Of course being a zen master is not only a matter of skills but also a demonstration of positive attitude toward the other paddlers. You show you care about having fun just as much as the well being of your paddling buddies. You are ready to take responsibility and become a leader when someone else is struggling. That's what makes you a real Zen Master.
This is a magnificent experience paddling between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Africa and Europe, Spain, Morocco and Gibraltar. A truly unique experience you will always remember.
Even on a windless day you could enjoy amazing downwind-like conditions approximately 3 km out at sea. The tidal water in the Strait of Gibraltar funnels into the narrow opening between Europe and Africa. This accelerates the current and when it finally hits the shallow waters of Bajeta de la Tierra, the result is beautiful steep waves waiting for you to surf them.
When Levante is blowing at 25-30 knots you could experience a thrilling downwind run from Tarifa to the beach of Bolonia. It is approximately 15 - 16 km of pure downwind fun. Alternatively, if the wind is too strong or the current too fast against the wind, you could enjoy the shorter version from Tarifa to Punta Paloma. This is approximately 9 km of downwind fun.
Surfing the shore break is a great practice for you to hone in your bracing and wave catching skills. This is directly related to your downwind abilities. We usually practice how to get past the surf and get back to the beach safely and in the process you get to do some remounts, surfing and fast paddling sprinting for the waves. All in all 100% fun!
The Strait of Gibraltar is rich in wild life. From whales, dolphins, orcas, tuna fish to flying fish, sun fish, turtles and many more.
This is an accelerating fun experience paddling behind Boyan in the double surfski. Paddling is a strong use of the word as the main focus here is surfing endless waves and learning how to paddle less and surf more.
Downwind Zen Master
I am your downwind guide and the person who will be there for you on water anytime and anywhere.
Professional Downwind Shuttle Bunny
I take care of your equipment, safety gear and shuttle to / from paddling. Count on me to get things organised so you could kick back, relax and enjoy your surfski holiday.
Mini-Zen Master
I will help with skills and techniques demonstration (especially in the surf zone as I am a bit lazy to paddle long distances). Occasionally I will join the team for a downwind paddle or a foiling session together.
Demolition Expert
I specialise in the destruction of various kinds of items and equipment. I help the rest of the family by keeping their reflexes and quick reactions at a high level. I might occasionally pull your hair but don't get angry - this is how I show affection.
I pretend to be a guard dog and in reality I am just hanging out with this gang for food, walks and other extras.
Turismo Activo Registration Number: AT/CA/00241